msnahs04's eng exmination...
today i've done my eng level 6 exmination!!!
(*act, only for listening & speaking test)...huhu.. happy w my work...
i heard the tape clearly...
praise 2 ALLAh THE GREATEST...
n for my speaking test...
i got "READING" as a topic...
guest what...
i choose my first eng book!!!
Shopaholic Ties the Knot...hehe...
the question ask me to brief abt ma favourite book..
where i got it...
why is it interesting...
then...for the nex task..
she (the lecturer) told me 2 make an argument abt " reading is a dying culture"
hehe...guess what...
i totally DISAGREE!!!!
come on man...
we we're globalized citizens..
but the thing that i totally hate when
suddenly i went blank!!!!
it's TRUE!!!!
i said.."the....the....the....".......
then SHE said...."the...the...the...what????"
"end your last sentence..."
i managed 2 complete my words...
Thanks ALLAH!!!!!
ILOVE YOU...hehe...
thats all 4 today's news...